My G drinks so much BATTERY juice!

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hova's picture
Joined: 05.03.2009
Location: London

My 463 goes through batteries like there's no tomorrow. I just don't understand what it is - and it's somewhat gradual thing. No particular event does it... it takes about 3-4 months, but it always goes kaput in the end. Has anyone had similar problems?

The car does only get driven 3-4 times a week (somewhat short distances, I live in London) although it does do the odd long trip "ooop naaarth". The only thing I can think of is the darned immobiliser system (some old Toad POS) with a constantly constantly constantly blinking red light when the engine is turned off (conversely, the red light goes off when ignition is started, of course). I can't imagine that this would manage to kill the battery so often/quickly... or would it? It ate both bosch and OEM Merc batteries in the same matter.

HELP! :shock:

Roly's picture
Joined: 07.11.2003
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Re: My G drinks so much BATTERY juice!

The immobiliser is probaby draining the battery. You can put a amp meter between the battery lead and battery with everything switched off and see how much current is being drawn. Then pull the fuse on the immob and see the current draw. You can decide whether you want to keep the imob or not.
Also a trickle charger will help if you park on the drive/ garage

dr unimog
dr unimog's picture
Joined: 03.12.2006
Location: Harrogate n Yorkshire
Re: My G drinks so much BATTERY juice!

as mentioned low currant draw will kill your battery I have fitted a solar triclke cargers on to my unimogs that dont move very often you can find the chargers on Ebay regs Andy from up north

mgrays's picture
Joined: 08.11.2005
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Re: My G drinks so much BATTERY juice!

Should be about 10mA dark current .. and with an immobiliser fitted you are talking 20mA hopefully... and maybe as much as 30mA if a poor system.

Need to pull all fuses, then put multimeter between battery and terminal.. and slowly reapply fuses and work out which one.

Other thing could be alternator is over charging.. check battery terminal voltage when running at medium revs.. should be 14.4V.. suspect 15V would kill a battery slowly.

mre1's picture
Joined: 30.12.2007
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Re: My G drinks so much BATTERY juice!

I had the battery "problem" because switched on the cabin lights on the back and forgot them. I didn't notice them because used the truck on the daytime. Once it was dark, I noticed the lights were on. Switched them off and battery draining problem was solved. :-)

Anonymous's picture
Re: My G drinks so much BATTERY juice!

I suspect over charging, could easily be putting 16-18 volts out? Are your headlights very bright?

hova's picture
Joined: 05.03.2009
Location: London
Re: My G drinks so much BATTERY juice!

Thanks for all the help guys... am going through the long process this weekend (all the fuses etc)...

Anonymous's picture
Re: My G drinks so much BATTERY juice!

Also, if you can inspect Battery cells ( older style of Battery) see if if water levels up to normal? Or loads of bubbles means over charging, watch the old health and safety, when observing!