Best Wax?

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Maxwell Smart
Maxwell Smart's picture
Joined: 05.11.2003
Location: London

What's the best wax for your G? I was using AutoGlym but wasn't overly impressed. I know a few people in the US used to rave about Zaino but seems not so much anymore as the formula has changed. Any other suggestions to get it looking nice?

draxey's picture
Joined: 13.07.2004
Re: Best Wax?

The Mercedes "Paint Cleaner" and Paint Protectors are made by Meguires, do a very nice job but takes ages, I have used blue color magic with much better effect once a year to restore and protect my old G but maybe not the best idea for a newish car.

hot66's picture
Joined: 13.11.2006
Location: North Yorkshire
Re: Best Wax?

On my Porsche I love Swissol. Give it a good pre-cleanse 1st followed by some coates of Swissol .

Zymol is well recommended too.

hot66's picture
Joined: 13.11.2006
Location: North Yorkshire
Re: Best Wax?

this will give you an idea on paint detailing

mortinson's picture
Joined: 06.11.2003
Location: Old beehive, Madrid, Spain
Re: Best Wax?

Sorry guys but, what the hell are you talking about?

When I want to give my G a bit of "detailing" I get it full of mud.

It's like when my doctor asks me whether I do any running....

Running? Running is for cowards.

Scc28's picture
Joined: 31.08.2006
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Re: Best Wax?

im with u on this mortinson, they best wax for my g is cow poo and peat bog mud!!!!

M2dxb's picture
Joined: 27.06.2005
Location: UAE (Dubai)
Re: Best Wax?

Forgive me Max for changing topic slightly, but have you tried this dealer-applied thing called diamondbrite? I have a local detailer trying to sell it to me (interior, exterior and engine), and claims it has a 6 year guarantee and is typically only applied by dealers to new cars. I saw the promo video and it said something about modern water-based paints needing filling, which I am guessing does not apply to 99% of Gs in the UK! The cost is £100 for the application and then it needs a "refresher" every few washes.
If anyone has any experience with it, do share!

hus55's picture
Joined: 10.01.2006
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Re: Best Wax?

selam mostafa!

a word of advice to you regarding these paint protection companies;

DONT BOTHER :!: get the following instead;

1-meguires lambswool mitt.
2-meguires goldclass shampoo.
3-meguires nxt wax
4-meguires sponde applicators and microfibre cloth wipes to polish.
5-muguires quick detailer to freshen up paint when slightly dusty.

....and keep the change :wink:

Maxwell Smart
Maxwell Smart's picture
Joined: 05.11.2003
Location: London
Re: Best Wax?

That Bugatti work is stunning. But for some reason I don't think I can justify that level of treatment to a 7 year old G. That plus $7,000 for a tub of wax?

Why clean it Morinson? Well I like the mud look too but no sense abusing it unecessarily especially if I intend to sell. And every once in awhile one needs to put on a suit.

M2dxb's picture
Joined: 27.06.2005
Location: UAE (Dubai)
Re: Best Wax?

w'salaam huss, thanks for the advice, i'll see if i ever get the time for that kinda thing!
and that bugatti is..pretty high mileage for a supercar!

The Bear
The Bear's picture
Joined: 10.10.2006
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Re: Best Wax?

That Meguires NXT is the dogs danglies I've just recommissioned my car having spent the last nine months in a dusty garage,a quick wash with their shampoo and it looks like it's just been waxed.

hot66's picture
Joined: 13.11.2006
Location: North Yorkshire
Re: Best Wax?

the £7000 wax is a bit misleading. It is a wax for proffesionals & originally came with unlimited refills. Not to bad a deal if you use it day in day ou

hus55's picture
Joined: 10.01.2006
Location: north cyprus
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Re: Best Wax?

the biggest argument in our house is when my wife opens the boot of my clk or goes into the garage :lol:

i dont think there is anyone as mad :!:

.......dont even ask me what i have and have'nt used :shock: :shock:

meguires does what the label says and nxt is the best stuff for both enthusiasts and non. easy on easy off.

purplemanxcat's picture
Joined: 10.11.2005
Location: ISLE OF MANN
Re: Best Wax?

MER is what i use ..its availiable at halfords
you can mix it with hot water for a hot wax finish :)
easy pezzy :)

purplemanxcat's picture
Joined: 10.11.2005
Location: ISLE OF MANN
Re: Best Wax?

MER is what i use ..its availiable at halfords
you can mix it with hot water for a hot wax finish :)
easy pezzy :)