Under body Protection. Exhaust / auto box oil pan etc.

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Russ280's picture
Joined: 06.11.2003
Location: Trefonen
GWOA Groups: Members

Just refitted my exhaust (see pride before a fall in general chat) and this area seems very vulnerable on a G. Not just the exhaust but the auto box oil pan and filler and silencer. All of these have impact damage from previous off roading. I had actually noticed this before my recent miss hap, but as is usually the case you end up shutting the stable door after the event!

So does anyone have a solution?
Either some pattern / design that I could use or a supplier?


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peter perfect
peter perfect's picture
Joined: 08.11.2003
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Re: Under body Protection. Exhaust / auto box oil pan etc.

Russ, I have done some extreme off-roading in my 280 and these areas have never been an issue, except the silencer on a couple of occasions. The only time you will damage the oil pan is on rocks, big ones,by literally dumping in on it.

Russ280's picture
Joined: 06.11.2003
Location: Trefonen
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Re: Under body Protection. Exhaust / auto box oil pan etc.

It was a second’s inattention and a rock that did the damage. Just being a bit paranoid perhaps, especially with respect to the oil pan. Plus I was suffering withdrawal symptoms after 2 weeks, waiting to get exhaust welded and then having a window to put it all back together again.

Thanks anyway, I guess if it’s not broke don’t fix it.
